Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy explains how Decaf, Inc. and any subsidiaries and affiliated companies (“Decaf”, “we” or “us”) collects, uses, and discloses information about you (“you” or “your”). This Privacy Policy applies when you use the Decaf application (“Application”) for interacting with the Stellar and Solana Networks (as defined below), the Decaf website located at https://decaf.so/ or successor site, and other online products and services that link to this Privacy Policy (collectively, our “Services”), contact our customer service team, engage with us on social media, or otherwise interact with us.
We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make changes, we will notify you by revising the date at the top of this policy and, in some cases, we may provide you with additional notice (such as adding a statement to our website or sending you a notification). We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy regularly to stay informed about our information practices and the choices available to you.
  • Stellar and Solana Networks
  • Collection of Information
  • Use of Information
  • Sharing of Information
  • Advertising and Analytics
  • Transfer of Information to the United States and Other Countries
  • Your Choices
  • Additional Disclosures for Individuals in Europe
  • Contact Us
2.1 The Services allow you to generate, authorize, submit and broadcast transactions on the “Stellar Network” and "Solana Network", distributed ledger networks powered by open-source protocols, the reference implementation for which is found here: https://github.com/stellar/ and https://github.com/solana-labs/solana respectively. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any information transmitted to the Stellar or Solana Networks through the Services.
2.2 Transaction information broadcast to the Stellar and Solana Networks includes, but is not limited to, your public sending address, the public key information of the receiver, the amount of digital currency sent or exchanged, the time and date of the transaction, and any other data you may choose to include. Due to the inherent nature of blockchain technology, information stored on these Networks is public and permanent and cannot be hidden, amended, or deleted. You should be aware that any information posted to these Networks will be made permanently available to the public. Your transactions and addresses may reveal information about you and those with whom you are transacting. Such information can potentially be correlated with you and others now, or in the future, by any party who chooses to do so, including law enforcement.
3.1 Information You Provide to Us
We collect information you provide directly to us when you create an account using your login credentials from platforms such as Google, Facebook, and Apple, or when you fill out a form, request customer support, or otherwise communicate with us. The types of personal information we may collect include your first and last name, email address, phone number, username, personal photograph, and any other information you choose to provide.
3.2 Information We Collect Automatically When You Interact with Us
When you access or use our Services, or otherwise transact business with us, we automatically collect certain information, including:
  • Registration Information:
  • We collect information about you when you register for an account for the Services, such as IP address, public key information and information used for key recovery services.
  • Transactional Information: When you submit transactions to the Stellar or Solana Networks, we collect information about the transaction, including a list of all deposits, withdrawals, transfers, and exchanges; sender; recipient; asset type; amount; time stamp; and date.
3.3 Information We Collect from Other Sources
We may supplement the information we collect from you with information we collect from third parties. For example, we may obtain information about you from data analytics providers, list brokers, and other third parties.
3.4 Information We Derive
We may derive information or draw inferences about you based on the information we collect. For example, we may make inferences about your location (at the city, state, or region level) based on your IP address.
We use the information we collect to administer your account and provide you the Services. We also use the information we collect to:
  • Provide, maintain, and improve our products and services;
  • Participate in the provision of account recovery services and verify your identity;
  • Send you technical notices, security alerts, and support and administrative messages;
  • Respond to your comments and questions and provide customer service;
  • Monitor and analyze trends, usage, and activities in connection with our Services;
  • Detect, investigate, and prevent security incidents and other malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, and protect the rights and property of Decaf and others;
  • Debug to identify and repair errors in our Services;
  • Comply with our legal and financial obligations; and
  • Carry out any other purpose described to you at the time the information was collected.
NOTE: For the second part of the privacy policy, you would need to include sections such as 'Sharing of Information', 'Advertising and Analytics', 'Transfer of Information to the United States and Other Countries', 'Your Choices', 'Additional Disclosures for Individuals in Europe', and 'Contact Us', just like the Vibrant policy you shared. You would adapt these to fit your service and the laws of your jurisdiction. You should consult with a legal expert to ensure your policy meets all necessary requirements.
Certainly, here is a continuation of the policy that you can use as a reference for Decaf:
We share your information under the following circumstances or as otherwise described in this policy:
  • In connection with your use of the Services, we share information with the Decaf Network, including publicly and permanently, as described in The Decaf Network above.
  • We share your first and last name, phone number, and username with other users via the search function in the Application.
  • We share information with third party entities or organizations with whom you choose to interact through the Application that require access to your information to provide services to you in connection with the Application.
  • When you authorize us to share your information with a KRSP, or request a recovery operation from a KRSP, we share the necessary information such as your phone number or email address.
  • We share information with vendors, service providers, and consultants that need access to your information to perform services for us.
  • We may disclose your information if we believe that disclosure is in accordance with, or required by, any applicable law or legal process.
  • We share information if we believe that your actions are inconsistent with our user agreements or policies, or if we believe that it's necessary to protect the rights, property, and safety of Decaf, our users, or others.
  • We share information with our legal advisors and other professional advisors when necessary to obtain advice or manage our business interests.
  • We may share information in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by another company.
  • We also share aggregated or de-identified information that cannot reasonably be used to identify you.
6.1 We permit others to provide analytics services and serve advertisements on our behalf. These entities may use cookies, web beacons, device identifiers, and other technologies to collect information about your use of our Services.
6.2 We use Google Analytics for improving the performance of the Services and for analytics purposes. You can opt out of Google Analytics here: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/.
6.3 You can opt out of having your web browsing information used for behavioral advertising purposes at www.aboutads.info/choices or, if you are in Europe, http://www.youronlinechoices.eu/.
6.4 We work with third parties to serve ads to you as part of customized campaigns on third-party platforms (such as Facebook and Instagram).
Decaf has operations and partners in multiple countries. Therefore, we may transfer your personal information to jurisdictions that may not provide levels of data protection that are equivalent to those of your home jurisdiction.
8.1 You may update and correct certain account information at any time through the settings in the Application.
8.2 You can adjust your browser settings to remove or reject browser cookies.
8.3 We may send push notifications to your mobile device. You can deactivate these messages at any time by changing the notification settings on your mobile device.
9.1 If you are located in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), the United Kingdom, or Switzerland, you have certain rights and protections under the law regarding the processing of your personal data.
9.2 We store personal data associated with your account for as long as your account remains active. If you wish to delete your account, please email us at legal@decafapp.com.
9.3 If you are located in the EEA, you have the right to request access to the personal data we hold about you, to request that your personal data be corrected or erased, and to object to, or request that we restrict, certain processing.
9.4 If you are located in the EEA and have a concern about our processing of personal data that we are not able to resolve, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority where you reside.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at: legal@decaf.so.
Please note that this is a very simplified version of a privacy policy. In reality, privacy policies need to be more specific about the types of information collected, how it is used, the third parties with whom the information is shared, and the legal rights of the users, among other things. The content must be adapted to the specific situation of the company, the services it provides, and the legal jurisdictions it operates within.
Your privacy is important to us.
It is Decaf's policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect while operating our website. Accordingly, we have developed this privacy policy in order for you to understand how we collect, use, communicate, disclose and otherwise make use of personal information. We have outlined our privacy policy below.
  • We will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned.
  • Before or at the time of collecting personal information, we will identify the purposes for which information is being collected.
  • We will collect and use personal information solely for fulfilling those purposes specified by us and for other ancillary purposes, unless we obtain the consent of the individual concerned or as required by law.
  • Personal data should be relevant to the purposes for which it is to be used, and, to the extent necessary for those purposes, should be accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
  • We will protect personal information by using reasonable security safeguards against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
  • We will make readily available to customers information about our policies and practices relating to the management of personal information.
  • We will only retain personal information for as long as necessary for the fulfilment of those purposes.
We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with these principles in order to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information is protected and maintained. Decaf may change this privacy policy from time to time at Decaf's sole discretion.