Accept USDC with Decaf PoS

Accept USDC with Decaf PoS

How to accept USDC with Decaf in 3 minutes:
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Short video with entire overview.

Signing up

You will see the login screen.
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Select ā€œRegister as Shop Ownerā€.

Register new account for your store

  1. In https://admin.decaf.so/register and fill the inputs with your email and password.
  1. Click on ā€œRegisterā€.
Note: By default, the credentials used to create the account will have the admin role access rights.
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Complete your profile settings

  1. Now that you have registered your storesā€™ account, you will be redirect to fill out the profile settings. In this form you will be able to choose the site logo, restaurant name and the url of your website!
  1. Click ā€˜Saveā€™.
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Note: In case you want to modify this settings later, you can find them by clicking on the top right icon and then ā€˜Profileā€™.
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Customize your store settings

  1. Once you are done with your profile settings, go to Settings > General.
  1. Customize your settings according to your needs (Find a description of each setting below).
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Description of each setting

Accept Orders: Turn it on to start accepting orders in your store.
Require table numbers on order: If on, customers will have to input the table number when creating the order.
Sync orders with Square (read only): If there is a Square integration, toggle this button on to allow syncing orders with Square.
Toggle on the payment methods that you would like to accept in your store
Accept Cash
Accept Card
Allow Bitcoin payments
  • Address for receiving Bitcoin payments
Allow Solana Payments (USDC)
  • Address for receiving Solana payments
  • Pay for transaction fees
Currency: Currency used for orders.
Default applied tax rate (%): If there is a Square integration, this field will be read only since it will be imported from Square, otherwise, you are able to input it.
Default applied tip (%): Default tip applied to each order.
And that is all the configuration that you need to do. Now you are able to add products and start accepting orders!
Next Section: Manage Products